As inscrições estão abertas exclusivamente para os líderes que já participaram da Mentoria DNA e igrejas que já fizeram a transição para o modelo celular. Apenas 10 igrejas serão selecionadas para fazer parte do lançamento em julho/2024.
Accelerate Your Church’s MISSION with W2G
Now, your church can have a Digital School for Christian Leadership Training focused on biblical courses, administration, and Artificial Intelligence.
“Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Matthew 28:19-20 NIV
W2G is an innovative solution that supports the healthy growth of your church by providing a digital education platform tailored for churches that have already successfully adopted the small group model.
Our mission is to help you create a Digital Bible School, accelerating and consolidating leader training to ensure quality in your church’s growth process.
Way to Growth existe para apoiar igrejas ao redor do mundo treinando líderes inspirados pelo Método DNA, formando Líderes Cristãos e equipando-os com Habilidades Digitais (IA).
Way to Growth existe para apoiar igrejas na transição para a Visão Celular, criando sua Escola de Liderança com foco em Valores Cristãos, Administração e Inteligência Artificial (IA)SS
Your church growing exponentially with well-trained leaders.
Your members having access to rich materials, even without the internet.
An engaged and participative community, motivated by an interactive and gamified platform.
Efficient and detailed management of each member’s progress, facilitating follow-up and decision-making.
Your Leadership Journey Integrated in One Place
Click on the blocks below to see some of the courses at each level.
Coming Soon – This level will equip leaders with advanced knowledge and practical skills aligned with Christian values and principles, promoting academic excellence and qualified leadership.
Churches that have already transitioned to the small group model and are looking to consolidate this change.
Churches that want to create a Digital Bible School to train their leadership.
Churches that need a practical solution for efficiently training leaders.
Churches that wish to offer continuous, high-quality learning to their members.
Churches that are not yet part of DNA and have not transitioned to the small group model.
Churches not interested in investing in the continuous training of their leaders.
Churches seeking only in-person solutions and not interested in digital technology.
By Enrolling in the W2G Platform, Your Church Will Have Access to:
W2G is a platform dedicated to the healthy growth of churches through leadership training.
We are official partners of DNA Central, and our mission is to provide tools and resources so that your church reaches a new level of growth and leadership.
Our team is composed of experts in education, technology, and administration, committed to the success of your church.
See the main questions and additional information about the W2G Platform
W2G offers a Digital Bible School that trains your leaders, ensuring quality in the church growth process.
No. The W2G platform has an offline mode where you, your leaders, and church members can download materials and study without using internet data.
Yes, we provide general support and specialized support for churches, as well as personalized mentoring as an exclusive bonus.